Upcoming Designers at Your Local Florist

Can I just tell you...teaching children to design floral arrangements is so much fun!  My two granddaughters have been learning since babies.  Watching them develop stronger design techniques is amazing.  Letting them express and see the expressions as they make a new arrangement is priceless.  I guide them as to what we are doing and how to place the flowers, to be gentle and then I let them go with it!  There is no right or wrong with children, it’s how them perceive the look they are trying to capture.  I love to see the accomplishment  in their faces when they are showing their designs to mommy and daddy.  They find the beauty in the flowers no matter what it is and are enjoying learning about the different flowers they are working with.  Such a joy, complete pleasure to be able to share something that I love with them.

Children’s design classes are available ...just give us a call and we can give you all the details.

Until the next time…be safe, happy and healthy!

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Thank You Flowers


Welcome to Behind the Bouquet!